Two-hundred thirty-eight. That’s the number of 9th grade students I met with over the course of the day as group after group filtered past my booth in 15-minute sessions during a recent high-school career fair.
Seven. That’s how many hands went up in total when I asked these groups of students how many of them had ever considered working in the construction industry.
With the economy surpassing pre-recession levels and a shortage in the workforce, the opportunities couldn’t be better for a career in a challenging, dynamic, and lucrative construction industry. So for those other 231 students who are skeptical about construction, here is my list of top 10 jobs you can do in construction that won’t require you to pick up a hammer or get mud on your boots.
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Risk Management & Legal Services
- Health & Wellness
- Virtual Design & Modeling
- Information Technology
- Business Development
- Human Resources
- Drone Mapping & Surveying
- Quality & Safety Management
Nabholz has positions open today; check out the opportunities – you’ll be surprised at how much there is to do in our industry.