
Thanks | Giving

November 17th, 2016 - By

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

As we approach the holiday season, this sentiment becomes even more relevant. Thanksgiving is not simply a time for turkey and sale shopping or even family gatherings, it’s a time to demonstrate our gratitude—to show our thanks by giving. Giving of our time, our talents, and our treasures should be the response to our feelings of thankfulness.

Today more than ever, I am thankful to work for a company that embodies this standard and for a career that allows me to apply this principle to my daily work. Executing the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy for Nabholz’ Southwest operation allows me the opportunity to direct our community involvement, our employee volunteer engagement, and our charitable giving. The management of these initiatives spans a broad range of activities, from donating repairs to a school for homeless students, to partnering with local architects to sponsor nationally-recognized community events, to organizing hundreds of volunteers to distribute Salvation Army Angel Tree gifts. Each day is different, but every day is supported by our company’s commitment to give of our time, our talents, and our treasures.

We all have reasons to be thankful—we all have reasons to give. For the next week, through the holiday season and throughout the year, I challenge each of you to find small, but meaningful ways to show your thanks by giving. Let a co-worker know you appreciate them, donate a turkey to your local food bank, buy someone’s coffee at Starbucks, or volunteer for a couple hours at your favorite charity. Get others involved. Organize a group of co-workers to collect Christmas gifts for a deserving family or take your children to volunteer and serve dinner at a homeless shelter. No matter what vehicle you use to give, you will be thankful you gave.

I am thankful Nabholz gives.

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