Robb Crotts, business development officer for Nabholz, recently began his term as Board Chairman for the Arkansas Chapter of Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC). As Robb puts it, “ABC is a national association that advances and defends the principles of merit shop and free enterprise in the construction industry.”
As Chairman, Robb will have a hands-on roll as he works closely with Chapter President Bill Roachelle to ensure successful implementation of ABC’s goals in 2014. “We have challenged ourselves to create at least one ‘home run’ in each quarter this year,” Robb said when asked about those goals. He went on to explain, “Our first-quarter goal is to successfully publish our monthly Merit Shop Report in digital format. By doing this we will be able to save paper and time. We have outlined our retention goals for our membership and also identified areas of professional development by our members for 2014.”
Of his duties as Chairman Robb said, “Bill makes my job so much easier. I will be hosting the ABC State Convention and Excellence in Construction awards banquet in April, and I will sit on the State Executive Committee, State Finance Committee, and the ABC National Board. But most of all, I want to make myself available to any existing or potential member to talk about anything their heart desires.”
Robb first became involved with ABC in early 2003 when he attended and served as a tasting judge for the organization’s annual chili cook-off in Northwest Arkansas. “It didn’t take long for me to notice the friendships and strong bonds that have been instrumental in this association’s growth,” he said as he described the experience. Laughing, he added, “If you ever get the opportunity to judge a chili cook-off for any group of contractors, I would suggest gracefully declining and enjoying the show from the sideline.”
In 2005, Robb accepted a seat on the Northwest Arkansas Council. “I feel strongly about what ABC supports and felt led to help in every way that I could,” he said, adding, “It has been rewarding to watch as ABC members see all of the different benefits that come with this association, whether it’s educational workshops or hosting a ‘Lunch and Learn’ for legislative updates . . . members have the ability to engage themselves within the construction market, increase their resources, share ideas, and just have a good time.”
When asked about balancing his work as Chairman with his responsibilities as a BDO at Nabholz, Robb explained, “Nabholz has been very flexible, allowing me to spend the time it takes to be engaged with ABC and other associations. Networking with like-minded professionals is priceless in our industry and will only strengthen our relationship with the community and other industry professionals.”