LITTLE ROCK, ARK. –  Nabholz Construction Services has completed its new 15,000-square-foot office building in Little Rock, and recently held an open house reception to celebrate.  The structure, built to standards set by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®), is energy and water efficient, uses recycled and regional materials, and offers occupants an interior environment free from chemical and material pollutants.

A team from Taggart Foster Currence Gray Architects, Inc., of North Little Rock provided architectural design services, with representatives of Crafton Tull Sparks & Associates providing engineering services. Nabholz is seeking LEED certification on the facility.

The building is one of 17 green building projects completed or under construction that are a part of Nabholz’ expanding portfolio of sustainable structures totaling to date in excess of $310 million.






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