In a state where activity in the oil and gas industry underlay approximately one-third of the total increase in real economic output in the state from 2005 to 2017, Entegrity is offering solutions that save both resources and money.
Entegrity History
Entegrity started in 2007 as a consulting firm focused on sustainability and energy efficiency. In the early 2010s, Entegrity’s leadership saw a great opportunity to combine their existing engineering expertise with Nabholz’ construction expertise, and a new joint venture called Entegrity Partners was born.
The partnership brought a brand-new business model to the energy sector. With both engineering and construction expertise, Entegrity is capable of being a turn-key provider on any energy efficiency project from start to finish.

Our Work
Working together as Entegrity, we’ve been able to tackle complex projects for schools, cities, counties, universities, state departments, and the private sector. The success of this partnership has led to exponential growth; Entegrity now has offices in six states employing 96 people and has completed past projects in 28 states, including notable projects in Oklahoma with Tulsa Public Schools and Tulsa Children’s Coalition.
The Cool Part: How Owners Pay for Upgrades
Entegrity’s primary services focus on allowing clients to pay for energy efficiency improvements to their buildings with the energy costs savings generated by those improvements. With recent advances in lighting, solar, and other technology, these savings can create enough leverage to not only pay for themselves but even put money back into the budget. Here’s how:
Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) is a legislated financing tool that allows public entities to use guaranteed energy and operational savings as revenue. Schools, universities, and state/local governments use ESPC to fund comprehensive facility improvements on a revenue-neutral basis.
The property assessed clean energy (PACE) model finances energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements on private property. PACE programs governmental bodies, like state governments, to fund the up-front cost of energy improvements on commercial properties, which are then paid back over time by the property owners. The PACE financing model allows a property owner to implement energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) improvements to a property without a large up-front cash payment. Property owners voluntarily choose to participate in a PACE program and repay their improvement costs over a set time — typically 10 to 20 years — through property assessments, which are secured by the property itself and paid as an addition to the owners’ property tax bills.
Many property owners are hesitant to make property improvements if they think they may not stay in the property long enough for the resulting savings to cover the upfront costs. The PACE model anticipates this. A PACE assessment is a debt of property, meaning the debt is tied to the property as opposed to the property owner, so the repayment obligation may transfer with property ownership depending upon state legislation. Currently, Tulsa County is planning to be the first commercial PACE district in Oklahoma, with a launch date of November 1st.
Standard Financing

Financing an energy efficiency project allows customers to keep more of their money by using energy savings to help pay for the project.
Entegrity in Oklahoma
Working out of Nabholz’ office in downtown Tulsa, Matthew Graham oversees Entegrity’s work in Oklahoma. “The energy industry is in a really exciting place — it’s such a large portion of a facility’s expenses, but is often forgotten about.”
Matthew came to Entegrity with nearly a decade of experience in the energy industry, including development, engineering, and operations in the alternative fuel space. “What’s really exciting about working with Entegrity and Nabholz in the state of Oklahoma is the chance to offer a solution to problems that nobody else can solve in this state. With the unique constraints within this state, the only type of company that will be able to be successful must be built on transparency, flexibility, energy expertise, construction expertise, decades of track record, and a go-to-market model built on cost-effectiveness.”