Thursday, April 26, 2012 Nabholz Construction Services took part in the dedication of the CASA Women’s Shelter in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The 14,265 square-foot facility was made possible by a grant from the Donald W. Reynolds foundation.
CASA Inc. (Committee Against Spouse Abuse), a private non-profit organization established to provide services to battered women and their children, was organized in 1980 in response to a demonstrated need in the community.
“This is a a special day… we’ve waited a long time for,” Karen Palmer, the center’s executive director, told the large crowd that turned out for the dedication and to tour the facility.
Kris Davis was the Nabholz superintendent on the project. Kris jumped in with both feet, concerned not only with the building project, but with the shelter and it’s cause. He headed up a clothing drive in Nabholz’ Conway and LR offices and made several deliveries to the shelter also arranging for temporary heaters to be moved to the old location so the families could have a warm Christmas party in their gym.
“The new CASA building was simply not just another construction project to me, it was a privilege. I am a firm supporter of women against domestic violence and was honored to build a better place for them to live. After seeing the women’s current facility, I was determined to make their new building a place that each could call home. A home for however long they need it. I despise the need for a shelter for women who suffer domestic abuse. I understand that many women in an abusive relationship stay there not only out of fear, but because the feel as though if they were to go to a shelter it would be taking their children from one bad place to another. That is not the case with this new building, my hope is that women will see it and know in their hearts they made the right decision to leave. My proudest moment of the entire project was the ribbon cutting ceremony and open house. I really appreciated seeing the excitement on each face that came from the community to see the shelter,” said Davis.
“Today, this new shelter represents a hopeful opportunity to improve the quality of life for abused and homeless women and their children,” said Steve Anderson, president of the Reynolds Foundation’s board of trustees.