Column Replacement

The Nabholz team was contracted by one of our manufacturing industry clients to replace a structural column after it was damaged. The project in Little Rock, Arkansas included removing the original column and installing its replacement during scheduled downtime to ensure zero interruptions in the client’s production schedule.

Nabholz worked with engineers to assess the damaged column’s status, and it was deemed unfixable. Our team was provided the dimensions of the new column needed and coordinated work while ensuring the roof’s stability was maintained throughout the process. After the engineer provided the beam drawings, our fabrication team crafted the beam specifically to match the existing pitch of the roof line. Once arriving, our team of riggers, millwrights, and craftspeople used two posts of our 200-ton hydraulic gantry system to lift the building’s roof high enough to remove the damaged column and replace it with the newly fabricated column.

The client provided Nabholz with a small window of time to accomplish this task, and the Nabholz project management team devised a logistics plan to meet that schedule during a weekend. This project was like many of the projects Nabholz’ industrial team does: Performing structural work for a manufacturing client in a narrow window of time. Want to collaborate on your next project? Learn more here.

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